Our approach

2. Exploring forest owners’ and conservation managers’ behaviour and behavioral changes under different scenarios required for positive transformation towards sustainable socio-ecological systems with improved forest biodiversity status Forest landscape in Bavaria, Germany

To address the knowledge gaps and inform decision-making to address the problems mentioned above, BIOCONSENT will implement innovative inter- and transdisciplinary activities. Five main activities will be implemented: 

3. Integrating biophysical, social, economic and policy drivers shaping forest conservation in modelling tools and restoration as well as quantifying and assessing the outcomes of alternative conservation and restoration measures on forest biodiversity and ecosystem service provision across spatial and temporal scales

1. Mapping policy targets and instruments as well as assessing the cross-sectoral policy integration and actor coordination at the biodiversity-forestry-climate-water nexus

4. Upscaling and disseminating project findings as well as co-designing policy and management recommendations for decision making support

5. Communicating and disseminating the results of BIOCONSENT

Socio-ecological framework of forest biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Socio-ecological framework of forest biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Scientific Objectives and Work Packages

The main aim of BIOCONSENT is to provide novel, science-based decision-making support and policy recommendations to foster effective forest biodiversity conservation and restoration in Europe. To achieve this aim, BIOCONSENT formulates five scientific objectives ...

 WP1 Policy analysis: synergies, tradeoffs and conflicts

... to map policy targets and instruments and to assess the cross-sectoral policy integration and actor coordination at the biodiversity-forestry-climate-water nexus; 

WP2 Scenarios and behavioral responses

.... to explore forest owners’ and conservation managers’ behavior and behavioral changes under different scenarios required for positive transformation towards sustainable socio-ecological systems with improved forest biodiversity status;

WP3 Improved socio-ecological forest systems modelling 

... to integrate biophysical, social, economic and policy/governance drivers shaping forest conservation in modelling tools and restoration to quantify and assess the outcomes of alternative conservation and restoration measures on forest biodiversity and ecosystem service provision across spatial and temporal scales;

WP4 Synthesis and dissemination 

... to upscale and disseminate project findings and co-design policy and management recommendations for decision making support.


This research was funded through the joint 2019-2020 Biodiversa+ & Water JPI joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivRestore ERA-Net COFUND programme co-funded by the European Commission, and with the funding organisation in Germany - BMBF.

Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe

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