Our Consortium

Here we present our consortium existing of ... 

Forest and Environmental Policies, University Freiburg, Germany

Our key issue: Forest and environmental policy for a world in transition

We carry out research and academic education within the field of forest- and environmental policy. Our work is placed in applied social sciences covering forest-, climate-, water-  and nature conservation policy at different policy levels. We are in particular interested in issues relevant for different political sectors, such as sustainability or bioeconomy. 

We are committed to producing outstanding empirically grounded and theoretically informed research that furthers the field of policy research and is of relevance to policy makers and practitioners. Our field of expertise covers actor, institutional as well as idea based approaches representing the state of art of political science and we engage in further developing these approaches. We rely on a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research methods and have a great expertise in inter- and transdisciplinary research processes.

Bioeconomy, European Forest Institute Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland 

The European Forest Institute (EFI) is a pan-European international organization. It has 30 Member Countries, and c. 130 member organizations from 40 different countries working in diverse research fields. EFI provides forest-related knowledge around three interconnected and interdisciplinary themes: bioeconomy, resilience and governance. With a staff of over 100 experts in several offices across Europe, EFI is in a unique position to generate, connect and share knowledge at the interface between science and policy. EFI excels in carrying out projects at the European level, and has a track record of over 30 projects carried out for the European Commission DGs during the past few years. 

Resilience, European Forest Institute Bonn, Bonn, Germany

EFI Bonn coordinates two of the European Forest Institute’s main initiatives: 

The Resilience Programme focuses on forest-related resilience issues, including the integration of biodiversity in sustainable forest management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, forest-related risks, payments for ecosystem services and the role of forests and trees in climate-smart cities. The programme emphasizes work on the science-policy-society interface at a European scale, thus strengthening EFI’s policy support role.

The Governance Programme addresses emerging forest governance challenges and opportunities based on the understanding of interests, expectations and perspectives from different stakeholders and sectors on forest land uses and forest management goals.

Ecosystems Services and Management, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is an international, scientific, non-governmental institute conducting policy-oriented research addressing critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change. The institute’s mission is to provide interdisciplinary, science-based insights into critical policy issues. IIASA evaluates its quality around scientific excellence, policy-relevant research, and capacity building. Research at the institute is presently organized in nine programs comprising demographics, evolution, advanced systems analysis, water, atmosphere, ecosystems, and biodiversity among others.

Business Management, University of Forestry Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Faculty of Business Management (FBM) has been accredited and developed as a modern European educational and scientific centre in the area of economic sciences in the field of forestry, forest industry, agriculture, natural resources and tourism.

The Mission of the Faculty of Business Management is to ensure development of science, high quality education and competitively trained specialists in the area of economic sciences in the field of forestry, forest industry, agriculture, natural resources and tourism.

Bioeconomy and Governance & Landscape dynamics and biodiversity, Forest Sciences and Technology Centre of Catalonia, Solsona, Spain

We contribute to science for sustainable forest management, biodiversity and circular bioeconomy. We want to become a hub of excellence in research and transfer of technology to society.

To achieve this, we are organized on three programs: multifunctional forest management, landscape dynamics and biodiversity, and governance and bioeconomy.
The research carried out within these programs is focused on key aspects such as environmental function equilibrium, climate change adaptation or competitiveness along value chains. Part of the activity carried out in the programs is transferred to society by the company FBS.

Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden

The department conducts research in industrial economics, humanities and technology, social sciences, music and theater. The department has a stimulating research environment where we conduct technical, economic, social science and artistic educations and are responsible for a large number of educational programs.

Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden 

The Department is focused on multilateral cooperation combining expertise from our many research groups. This gives unique possibilities for creating holistic solutions for the sustainable use of natural resources.

We want our research to contribute in the development of the forest sector and the society, we also strive for a strong international competence.


Núria Aquilué Junyent

Post-doctoral Researcher at CTFC

...is the head of the Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity group at CTFC.


Antonio Basilicata

PhD Researcher at the University of Freiburg

Karin Beland Lindahl

Research group leader and senior researcher at Luleå University of Technology

...is a researcher at the Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts.

Shelby Corning

Researcher at IIASA

...is a researcher in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program.

Elena Dragozova

Senior researcher at University of Forestry Sofia

...is a researcher at the faculty of Business Management.

Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo

Senior Researcher at CTFC

...is the head of the Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity program at CTFC.


Sarka Hajtmarova 

Junior Researcher at CTFC

...is a researcher in the bioeconomy, health and governance department at CTFC.


Mariana Hassegawa

Researcher at EFI Joensuu

...is a researcher in the Bioeconomy Program of the European Forest Institute in Joensuu, Finland.

Yasmin Imparato Maximo

Junior Researcher at EFI Joensuu

...is a Junior Researcher in the Bioeconomy Program of the European Forest Institute in Joensuu, Finland.

Ivaylo Ivanov

Senior researcher at University of Forestry Sofia

Stanislava Kovacheva

Senior researcher at University of Forestry Sofia

...is a circular polymer technologies scientist.

Andrey Krasovskiy

Researcher Scholar at IIASA

...is a research scholar in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program.


Florian Kraxner

Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar at IIASA

...is leading the Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program.

Marcus Lindner 

Senior Researcher at EFI Bonn

... is a principal scientist in the Resilience Program of the European Forest Institute in Bonn, Germany. 

Eva-Maria Nordström

Researcher at SLU

...is a researcher at the Department of Forest Resource Management at SLU.


Lyla O'Brien

Junior Researcher at EFI Bonn

...is a Junior Researcher in the Resilience Program of the European Forest Institute in Bonn, Germany.

Ivan Paligorov

Professor at University of Forestry Sofia

...is a professor in the Economy and Natural Resources Management Department at Faculty of Business management.

Momchil Panayotov

Post-doctoral researcher at University of Forestry Sofia

Mireia Pecurul Botines

Research leader and Researcher at CTFC

...is the co-leader the group of socio-economy and governance of rural systems at CTFC.


Jeanne-Lazya Roux

PhD Researcher at EFI Bonn

... is a researcher in the Governance Program of the European Forest Institute in Bonn, Germany.

Annica Sandström

Professor at Luleå University 
of Technology

...is a professor in political science specialized in environmental policy and natural resource governance.


Stefan Sorge

PhD Researcher at the University of Freiburg

Metodi Sotirov

Research group leader and assistant professor at the University of Freiburg and Project Manager

...is a senior researcher at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy.

Hans Verkerk

Principal Scientist at EFI Joensuu

...is a principal scientist in the Bioeconomy Program of the European Forest Institute in Joensuu, Finland and he leads a team on climate-smart forestry.

Piero Visconti

Research Group Leader and Senior Research Scholar at IIASA

...is the Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation Research Group Leader of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program.

Georg Kindermann

Research Scholar at IIASA

... is a research scholar in the Ecosystems Services and Management Program at IIASA.

Enrico Confienza

Researcher at IIASA 

...is a Program and Project Officer/RESTORE+ Project Manager.

Colin Johnstone

Research Scholar at IIASA

Jens Nilsson

Associate Senior Lecturer at Luleå University of Technology

Joana Nabau Jové

Researcher at CTFC

... is a researcher in the bioeconomy, health, and governance program at CTFC.

Jelena Zrno

Administrative Assistant for Research Program at IIASA

Further funding organisations

Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria

Austrian Science Fund is the primary funding agency for basic research in Austria. It is an independent, non-profit organization that supports scientific research across various disciplines. The FWF provides funding for research projects, fellowships, and other initiatives that contribute to advancing knowledge and innovation in Austria.

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF), Bulgaria

The Bulgarian National Science Fund is a government agency in Bulgaria responsible for funding and supporting scientific research and innovation in the country. Its primary mission is to promote and fund research projects across various scientific disciplines, driving progress, innovation, and the development of Bulgaria's scientific and technological capabilities.

Academy of Finland (AKA), Finland

The Academy of Finland, also known as Suomen Akatemia in Finnish, is a government agency responsible for promoting scientific research and advancing knowledge in Finland. It plays a significant role in supporting and funding research across various scientific disciplines, contributing to the country's scientific excellence and innovation.

VDI/VDE-IT, Germany

VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (VDI/VDE-IT) is a German organization that specializes in innovation and technology policy consulting and research. It is a subsidiary of two prominent German engineering associations: the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Association of German Engineers) and the VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, Association for Electrical, Electronic, and Information Technologies).

Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Spain

The Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), translated as the State Research Agency in English, is a Spanish government agency responsible for coordinating and promoting scientific research, technological development, and innovation in Spain. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), Sweden

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is a government agency in Sweden responsible for overseeing and coordinating environmental protection and conservation efforts in the country. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment and Energy. The agency's mission is to promote sustainable development and protect the environment and natural resources in Sweden.

Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe

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