Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus
Despite ambitious global and EU policy targets, biodiversity is under increasing threat. Biodiversity decline and degradation of ecosystems continue at an alarming rate, especially in forests that harbour 80 percent of terrestrial biodiversity worldwide. Only 0,7 percent of forests in Europe are in a primary condition; many primary and old growth forests lack effective protection and the majority of forest habitat and species in protected (Natura 2000) as well as managed forests are in a non-favourable conservation status. Enhanced conservation and restoration of forest habitats, species and functions are essential for biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services.
Duration: 01/03/2022 – 31/03/2025
Total Grant: € 1,246,023
The consortium consists of the following partners:
➔ Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany (ALU)
➔ Lulea University of Technology, Sweden (LTU-SE)
➔ Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia, Spain (CTFC)
➔ European Forestry Insitute, Finland (EFI)
➔ International Institue for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria (IIASA)
The project report "Report on Improved Forest models with enhanced representation of behavior and behavioral change of forest owners and conservation managers" has recently been published and is available for download.
Recent project progress and upcoming publications were discussed with all consortium members during a 3 day conference in Solsona, Spain.
It is important to improve the representation of forest owners' and managers' behaviour in forest models in order to provide a better decision support system. Modelling on this issue is one of our research topics in BIOCONSENT and less than two weeks ago, Yasmin Imparato Maximo presented her work at #IUFRO2024. Hans Verkerk, Chief Scientist and work package 3 leader from BIOCONSENT moderated the session (08.07.24).
Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus
On this website you can find detailed information on the BIOCONSENT project. Here an overview:
➔ Our topics and desired policy impact
BIOCONSENT is supported by Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership, jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 to support excellent biodiversity research with societal and policy implications.
The LEARNFORCLIMATE Social Learning Platform serves to facilitate online exchange between academic (natural and social scientists) and non-academic actors (forestry, climate and biodiversity stakeholders) about climate change adaptation and mitigation in European forests.
Similar to physical workshop rooms, participants can enter online rooms in the Learning Platform to attend live video calls, access texts, images, maps and audio-visual materials, fill out surveys and engage in collaborative discussions.
During and beyond the project life time, the platform will also contribute to documenting and sharing research findings and stakeholders’ experience and knowledge.
The LEARNFORCLIMATE Social Learning Platform is hosted by the University of Freiburg, Germany with the open source e-learning management system ILIAS. It can be accessed for free with prior registration.
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